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Wendy wakes from Neverland

The Lost Girls

A friend of mine offered me his wrecked B1-RD, and now I really want a B1-RD!

Pictures of his wrecked B1-RD. He has another one he flies, so he's back in action.

It was really a modern designed based on the Hans Grade Monoplane... and it has flaperons for some nice STOL performance. I watch videos of them fly and they can really trun on a dime down low right after take off, which is impressive.

I watched this B1-RD video below over and over again at one time to get a feel for what it would be like to take off in my VJ-24W

Lee Fischer, talking about his B1-RD. I've talked to Lee on Facebook :) He also built the 23.bis which is an awesome scratch built.
Also apparently he calls his little workshop a Skunkworks too (Winchester Skunkworks). Well, he's far ahead of me, but that's okay, I only compete with myself.


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