============================================================================== Choppergirl's Edgy Sound Pack "Read Me" Release Notes Made by the notorious Choppergirl of Team AirWar To download the latest version of this free software, go to: http://edgy.air-war.org http://soundpack.air-war.org or google "Choppergirl SoundPack" Read this file on a computer. This Release Version: 2021.05.01 .--~*teu. .n~~%x. .--~*teu. oe dF 988Nx x88X 888. dF 988Nx .@88 d888b `8888> X888X 8888L d888b `8888> ==*88888 ?8888> 98888F X8888X 88888 ?8888> 98888F 88888 "**" x88888~ 88888X 88888X "**" x88888~ 88888 d8888*` 88888X 88888X d8888*` 88888 z8**"` : 88888X 88888f z8**"` : 88888 :?..... ..F 48888X 88888 :?..... ..F 88888 <""888888888~ ?888X 8888" <""888888888~ 88888 8: "888888* "88X 88*` 8: "888888* 88888 "" "**"` ^"==="` "" "**"` '**%%%%%%** .n~~%x. cuuu....uK .n~~%x. oe x88X 888. 888888888 x88X 888. .@88 X888X 8888L 8*888**" X888X 8888L ==*88888 X8888X 88888 > ..... 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She's just using you, just like she's using 100,000 other men she has wrapped around her little finger on 100,000 other TX's. Just say no to Amber. She's destroyed too many models, too many marriages! Don't get all distracted while flying by some studio polished femme fatale! She's a siren song waiting to lure your RC model to it's doom.. Instead You've got to stay... EDGY... .&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@&. .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%#(((#%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@@@@@@&, *&@@@@@@@@@@@@. &@@@@@@@@@@/ / /@@@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@. &@@. .@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@* ,@@@@@# /@@@@@@@@% ,@@@@@@@@* @@@@@@@@@@@@@& *@@@@@@@@, #@@@@@@@# (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% #@@@@@@@# %@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# .@@@@@@@# (@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@( .@@@@@@@. *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# %@@@@@@% @@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@, .#&@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ .(&&/ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@. /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@. ,@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@% #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@% %@@@@@@% .@@@@@@@. *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@ (@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@/ #@@@@@@@. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@, ,@@@@@@@# #@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ %@@@@@@@( ,@@@@@@@@* @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@. %@@@@@@@@( /@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%, (@@@@@@@@% @@@@@@@@@@. %@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( .@@@@@@@@@& %@@@@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@(@@@@@@@@@@# .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ &@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .%@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@%. * The Dark Horse of Airwar * Black Betty ®™Trademark .__ presents .__ .__ _ ____ | |__ ____ ______ ______ ___________ ____ |__|______| ||/ ______ _/ ___\| | \ / _ \\____ \\____ \_/ __ \_ __ \/ ___\| \_ __ \ | / ___/ \ \___| Y ( <_> ) |_> > |_> > ___/| | \/ /_/ > || | \/ |__\___ \ \___ >___|__/\____/| __/| __/ \_____>__| \___ /|__||__| |____/____ > || |__| |__| /_____/ || || || || _______ ______ _______ || || ( ____ \( __ \ ( ____ \|\ /| || ||_______|\ | ( \/| ( \ )| ( \/( \ / ) || ()_______ ) | (__ | | ) || | \ (_) / || || |/ | __) | | | || | ____ \ / /|_________|| || | ( | | ) || | \_ ) ) ( ( _________() || | (____/\| (__/ )| (___) | | | \| || || (_______/(______/ (_______) \_/ || || || || ____ _ ____ _ _________|| || / ___| ___ _ _ _ __ __| | _ \ __ _ ___| | / _________/ || \___ \ / _ \| | | | '_ \ / _` | |_) / _` |/ __| |/ / ||____________) | (_) | |_| | | | | (_| | __/ (_| | (__| < \______________/ \___/ \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|\___|_|\_\ Amber is so 2014, Rock a new girl on your radio in 2021! Brand New Sound Files for your Open-TX Transmitter SD Card from AIR-WAR.ORG ! More files, in one tomboy voice - why have 4 different voices talking to you? Questions? Comments? Feedback? Bug reports? Sound file Requests? Hate mail? Email: choppergirl@air-war.org RC & FPV Website: http://fpv.air-war.org To find the latest version of this sound pack: http://edgy.air-war.org http://air-war.org/edgy ---------------+--------------- ___ /^^[___ _ /|^+----+ |#___________// ( -+ |____| ______-----+/ ==_________--' \ ~_|___|__ _____ __ __ / ___/__ ___ / /____ ___ / /____ / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ -_) _ \/ __(_-< ,,, \___/\___/_//_/\__/\__/_//_/\__/___/ (0 0) ================================================================ooO=(_)=Ooo=== Sections in this Read Me: 1. What this is and why you want it 2. Where to install it 3. How to use it 4. Copyright Free License Blurb 5. Sound File Recording Requests 6. Future plans - the Edgy Cheeky Plus Pack? 7. Who to contact with feedback/requests \ `::` / ` `;:` _ _ (_\_) .;:; / (__<_{} ::; ` (_/_) _ ';:;;' |\ | >'. || _ \\| /| `> \||.'< \|// `>|/ <` |/ `||/` ,.,.,|.,.,. ^^^^^^^^^^^ _ ____ __ ^`^`^`^`^`^ | | /| / / / ___ _/ /_ | |/ |/ / _ \/ _ `/ __/ |__/|__/_//_/\_,_/\__/ ============================================================================== 1. == What this is and why you want it == == == == == == This is a sound pack, or a directory of .wav files, to replace the "/SOUND/en" folder on the SD card of your Open-TX Transmitter. Why anybody would want this? I found by installing other sound packs, I ended up with three different girl voices on my radio... and I wanted my radio to talk with just one consistent voice. So I recorded 750 sounds to replace them all in one voice, which makes this the largest and most comprehensive sound pack I know of to date. What makes my sound pack technically superior to all others besides having the most audio recordings of them all? You can now see the contents of audio files and sort by category from the Windows Explorer directory. Track Title is the audio file's contents; Album name is the Category of Sound File. No more guessing what's in a file. You can sort in ascending or descending order by file name, track title, or album name all from inside the Windows File directory http://air-war.org/graphics/edgy_dir_listing.jpg Key features: Drop in replacement for older sound packs, same file names. 750+ sound files all in the same voice, not four different ones Conetents of files are now listed as Track Title in Windows Explorer - no more having to click on file to know what it says. You can browse audio files in Windows Explorer and sort by File name, Title (phrase saying) or Album (category). This version is just to establish a beachhead and get my base files recorded and out there for feedback and usage. Possiblly... Coming soon! New sounds for Crossfire & Frsky Telemetry reporting New sounds for Sims: MS Flight Sim, Realflight, Liftoff, DRL, Velocidrone, etc. way more snarky sayings to keep you on your toes and ' personalize your transmitter with some cat-i-tude. '-.,;;:;, _;\;|\;:;, ) __ ' \;::, .--' e ':;;;:, ;, (^ ;;::; ;;;, _ --_.--.___,',:;::; ,,,;:;;;, < \ `; | ;:;;:; ':;:;;;,, <`-; \__ ,; / ';:;;:, ';;;' <`_ __', ; , / ::;;;: // `)| \ \ ` .' ';;:;, // ` \ `\ / ;;:;;. //__ \ `/` ;:; ~._,=~` `~=, \_| ( ^ ^ ^ _^ \ \ _,` / ^ ^ ^ .' `.^ ; <`-. '-;` /` ^ ^ /\ ) ^/ <'- \__..-'` ___,,,-'._ ^ ^ _.'\^`'-' ^/ `)_ ..-''` `~~~~` `~===~` <_.-`-._\ _ ____ | | /| / / / ___ _______ | |/ |/ / _ \/ -_) __/ -_) |__/|__/_//_/\__/_/ \__/ ============================================================================== 2. == Where to install it == == == == == Download the latest version of the sound pack from: http://edgy.air-war.org or http://downloads.air-war.org Unzip the archive to your desktop, you should find a folder called "SOUNDS/en" or just "en" To install it, all you have to do is unzip it and replace the /Sounds/en folder on your radios SD card with my /Sounds/en folder. You can rename your old folder to something else, delete it entirely, back it up, or rename your old "en" folder to "cz" to play when you select Czechslovakia (I think that might work, haven't tried it!) Note, it's about 25mb in size, so you will need that amount free on your Radios SD card after you move or remove the old "en" folder. If it works, you should hear the transmitter say "Welcome to Open-TX" and "Goodbye" in a new voice when you start/shutdown your radio. Another good test is to add these lines to press your SYS button and tab over to Global Functions, and add these two lines, which should say "The current time is" and then read out the time when you turn on your radio (if all is working): GF1 ON Play Track timecu 1x GF2 ON Play Value Time 1x If your radio does not say "The current time is..." when you turn on your radio after this, you've done something wrong, or do not have your language preferences to English under SYS : Settings. /i //, ///i ,/ ).'i | )-i | )i ' )i / |- _.-./-. /z_ `-. >._\ _ );i. / `-'/`k-'`u)-'` / )- ,.----' ) ' / )1` fly ///v`-v\v on the __ __ wings of love / // /__ _ __ 5CymvTK9tLQ / _ / _ \ |/|/ / /_//_/\___/__,__/ ============================================================================== 3. == How to use it == == == == == The sounds in /SOUNDS/en/SYSTEM will automatically be used by the Open-TX operating system to read out values and numbers, report certain things, etc. and there is nothing further you need to do. However... All the other sounds in the /SOUNDS/en folder are there for you to call upon your transmitter to play and use at your discretion. You have to actually program and set up your transmitter to use them for any audio reporting you may desire. You won't use all of them, just the ones you need to make your transmitter say what you want when certain switches are flipped or conditions are met. For example, on my TX-16s's named "Red Queen" and "Blue Caterpillar", my own SYS : Global Functions Table looks like this: GF1 ON Play Track timecu 1x GF2 ON Play Value Time 1x GF4 SA^ Play Track off No repeat GF5 SA- Play Track buzzer No repeat GF6 SAv Play Track return No repeat GF8 SB^ Play Track off No repeat GF9 SB- Play Track blkbox No repeat GF10 SBv Play Track turtle No repeat GF12 SC^ Play Track off No repeat GF13 SC- Play Track batcap No repeat GF14 SC- Play Value TELE17 No repeat GF15 SCv Play Track batcur No repeat GF16 SCv Play value TELE18 No repeat GF18 SD^ Play Track off No repeat GF19 SD- Play Track batper No repeat GF20 SD- Play Value TELE19 No repeat GF21 SDv Play Track batvol No repeat GF22 SDv Play value TELE16 No repeat GF24 SE^ Play Track acro No repeat GF25 SE- Play Track hrzn No repeat GF26 SEv Play Track angl No repeat GF28 SF^ Play Track dosarm No repeat GF29 SFv Play Track arm No repeat GF31 SG^ Play Track off No repeat GF33 SG- Play Track alaron No repeat GF35 SGv Play Track trnon No repeat GF37 SGv Play Spimd Beep 3 No repeat GF39 ON Volume S1 Checkmark ON GF40 ON Backlight S2 Checkmark ON GF52 ON Play Track ratepr No repeat GF54 6P_1 Play Track 0001 No repeat GF55 6P_2 Play Track 0002 No repeat GF56 6P_3 Play Track 0003 No repeat GF57 6P_4 Play Track 0004 No repeat GF58 6P_5 Play Track 0005 No repeat GF59 6P_6 Play Track 0006 No repeat If you don't have a Crossfire or other module that supports telemetry installed, you won't see any TELE option available, as those are telemetry values returned from the model. You won't want to set up your radio identical to mine anyway, I'm just showing you mind here so you can get an idea of how things might be setup on a radio. Note that these assignments don't do any actual "function", you have to define that elsewhere... this is just where I am defining which switch position will play what track when "entered into that position". The exception to "not doing anything" is GF39 & GF40 where I define the two POT knobs to control Volume and Backlight level. If you entered these lines and found your radio suddenly went silent or the backlight display doesn't work any more, then turn these knobs clockwise to increase volume and backlight brightness. Also, these values could be defined not as Global Functions, but under the MODELS: Special Functions Table where they would apply only to that model... which might make more sense. However, in my case I fly only on Quadcopter so for the moment I defined these tracks to play across all models. In the future, obviously, if I want to fly a wing, or a simulator with different key assignments, I'd want to move them into Special Functions per each model. __.....__ .'" _ o "`. .' O (_) () o`. . O . . () o__...__ O . . _.--""" """--._ . :" "; `-.__ : : __.-' """-: :-""" J L : : J L : : `._____.' _____ _ __ __ ____ / ___/__ ___ __ ______(_)__ _/ / / /_____/ __/______ ___ / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ // / __/ / _ `/ _ \/ __/___/ _// __/ -_) -_) \___/\___/ .__/\_, /_/ /_/\_, /_//_/\__/ /_/ /_/ \__/\__/ /_/ /___/ /___/ ============================================================================== 4. == Copyright Free License Blurb == == == == == These sound files are free as in free beer, or free air. You are free to copy it, modify it, change it, delete it, sell it, blow it up, bundle it with your products as a value added freebee, bundle it with your software or hardware, use it in Youtube videos, host it on your own web server, whatever you want. Basically, its released with with the GNU Public License or GPL. I only request that you attribute them as made by Choppergirl, but you do not have to explicitly do so, if you leave this Read Me file included and intact. ,_ .--. , , _)\/ ;--. . ' . \_\-' | .' \ -= * =- (.-, / / | ' .\' ). ))/ .' _/\ / \_ \_ /( / \ /( /_\ .--' `-. // \ ||\/ , '._// | ||/ /`(_ (_,;`-._/ / \_.' ) /`\ .' .' . | ;. /` / |\( `.( | |/ | ` ` | | / | |.' __/' / _ .' _.-` _.` `.-;`/ /_.-'` / / | / ( / /_/ ___ ___ ___ __ / _ \___ _______ _______/ (_)__ ___ _____/ _ \___ ___ ___ _____ ___ / /____ / , _/ -_) __/ _ \/ __/ _ / / _ \/ _ `/___/ , _/ -_) _ `/ // / -_|_-> `"""""""" ===== "|D ^^-------____--""""""""""+""--_ __--"| | `""|"-->####)+---|`"" | | \ \ . / <- O -) \ I `"' / \ ,g88R_ d888(` ). _ - --== 888( ).=-- .+(` )`. Y8P( '`. :( . ) .+(`( . ) .-- `. ( ) ) (( (..__.:'-' .=( ) ` _` ) ) `. `( ) ) ( . ) ( ) ._ ) ` __.:' ) ( ( )) `-'.:(` ) ) ) ( ) --' `- __.' :( )) .-' (_.' .') `( ) )) (_ ) ` __.:' _____ __ __ / ___/__ ___ / /____ _____/ /_ / /__/ _ \/ _ \/ __/ _ `/ __/ __/ \___/\___/_//_/\__/\_,_/\__/\__/ ============================================================================== 7. == Who to contact with feedback/ requests == == == == == This sound pack is make by me, Choppergirl, and I release it freely into the Public Domain under the GNU Public License (GPL). You can direct your hate mail, bug reports, suggestions, improvements, requests for me to record additional sound files, etc.. To contact me, put "Sound Pack" in the Subject somwhere if you email me. Email me at: choppergirl@air-war.org Home Page: http://choppergirl.air-war.org Quadopter FPV / RC Page: http://fpv.air-war.org Youtube: http://youtube.com/choppergirl If you visit my Youtube channel, subscribe! :-) Happy flying, and watch your six, because I'm on it... .-""-. (___/\ \ , (|^ ^ ) ) /( _)_\=_/ ( ,..__/ `\ ____(_/_ ` \ ) `\ _/ _/---._/(_)_ `\ ( '--\ `-.__..-' /. (_), | ) `._ ___\_____.'_| |__/ `~----"` `-.........' _ / _ _ _ '_ / ( /)()/)/)(-/ (/// ( dream up something wilder / / _/ choppergirl@air-war.org choppergirl's flying circus May 1, 2021 don't just fly http://air-war.org frolic in the sky ***** *(((## @@@@# ##(((* .##,,***//%%%%&&,( /* @@@@## // ,/&&%%%%//***,,## *****///%%%%%%%%%(#*.,. *@@@@#//. ,../#%%%%%%%%%#///***** /////////###,&%%/%%%**((/(////,,(#(@@/*#(%*,*////(///**%%%#%%%,###****///// ##((///** %%%#%%#%%/##%###..,/*@/%@@##%(//*(/.*#%#%###%%*%%##%% **//(((## ##(//**.(/*.%#%%,((#((((#(##(##////**/(#(##(#((((#((*%#%% //(,**/((## #(/*,(/*.(*.//(//(/(//(/(/(%@@@&/((/(//@@&&(//(//,/(.*/(,*/(# *** (/,*/*/**/*/**/*////(@@@%/*/(#@/%&&/*/**/**,,/# **, &@@@@@/,(@#/@&/ /@/#((/#@@@#/%@@(@ /@/#((/#@@@#/%@@(@ || .... ... ... .. ... ... ... .... ... .. ... ... .. ... . 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